Furniture is one of the inevitable elements of a home. Whether it be modern or traditional, it’s the furniture that brings out the flavor unique to your home. The different types of wood in India are legendary for the quality they add to the furniture. Though the styles and structure of furnitures have transformed over time, wood or timber remains the favorite among all the building materials.

The handmade wooden furniture’s endurance and high artistic value is renowned throught the world. Wooden furniture has always remained a definite element throughout the ever changing interior design trends for homes.

A modern household is incomplete without furniture. This accessory has evolved with times to become a functional object that also beautifies a home. The different types of wood in India are legendary for the quality they add to the furniture.

In olden times, carpenters built furniture using different types of wood without processing or alterations. Solid wood is still preferred for furniture in India, because of its endurance and high artistic value which are a few advantages of wood. There are two types of wood– Hardwood and softwood based on density and strength.

Do you know which of the wood types will make sturdy and beautiful furniture?

Are you aware of the difference between the kind of wood that should be used for making doors and furniture? If not, then this guide will help you to make the right choice between different wood types before investing in furniture and decorative objects, craftworks and handicrafts for decorating homes.

Here are the ten different types of wood used in India, which are used for making pieces of furniture and decorative items.

Below table consisting the different types of wood in India and their scientific names

NameScientific Names
TeakTectona Grandis
Rose WoodDalbergia Latifolia
Satin WoodChloroxylon Swietenia
Sal WoodShorea Robusta
Sisoo WoodDalbergia Sissoo
Marandi WoodMelia Azederach
MahoganySwietenia Macrophylla
Mulberry WoodMorus Alba
DeodarCedrus Deodara
JackFruitArtocarpus Heterophyllu

Different Types of Wood and Their Scientific Names

1) Teak Wood (Tectona grandis)

Teak (Tectona grandis) is considered to be the best type of wood to make furniture as it is highly fire-resistant and durable. Teak is also one of the most expensive woods in India.

It looks very attractive after polishing and will not get affected by white ants and dry rots. It does not shrink much and would not corrode metal fastenings. It is one of the most common types of wood and is for superior use only. It is found in central and southern India.

Advantages of Teak wood:-

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Furniture made out of teak wood has an attractive looking straight grain pattern. It is smooth to touch and has a rich brown color after polishing in comparison to furniture made out of plywood or particle boards.
  • Durability: Teak wood furniture can last for up to many years, some have not perished for as long as 100 years. Besides, teak wood doesn’t get damaged while shifting places because of water.
  • Resistant to rot and decay: Furniture made of teak wood is durable and does not rot because of its high density. Good wood furniture should stay in proper shape for a long time.

Teak’s high tensile strength and tight grain make it weather resistant and durable. It is used in the manufacture of outdoor furniture and boats. It is also used in indoor finishings, indoor flooring and for making countertops.

2) Rose Wood (Dalbergia latifolia)

It is also popularly called ‘Sheesham’ or ‘Indian Rosewood’.

Rosewood or Dalbergia latifolia is tough and very close-grained. It maintains its shape and is available in large sizes which can be used to make ornamental carvings and to create cabinets. It is also popularly called ‘Sheesham’ or ‘Indian Rosewood’. It is found in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Orissa.

Advantages of Rosewood: –

  • Hard and Tough: They have high crushing and bending strengths offering good stability to the furniture carved out of it. Among the different types of woods available in the country, rosewood is considered the most attractive.
  • Attractive Wood Grain: The beautiful grain appearance has led to the creation of many musical instruments and decorative items.

Varied Uses:-

Furniture and cabinets are often constructed out of hardwood like Rosewood. Many mathematical instruments such as rulers and musical instruments such as violins are carved out of rosewood because of their beautiful outward appearance.

Rosewood is used in making kitchen and bedroom cabinets, dining sets, musical instruments, and carvings because of its sturdiness and beauty.

Rose Wood in India typically costs about Rs 1,500 to Rs 6000 per cubic feet.

3) Satin Wood (Chloroxylon Swietenia)

Satinwood or Chloroxylon swietenia is very robust and durable. Its high gloss finish makes it very attractive. It is found in central and southern India. It is robust and durable. Its high gloss finish makes it very attractive. It is found in central and southern India.

Advantages of Satinwood:-

  • Easy to care: Satinwood gives a flawless finish that hides minor imperfections. It is a good choice for laying floors as it will not need everyday cleaning. As opposed to other different types of wood, this is mainly used to make flooring.
  • Little Maintenance: It asks for regular polishing but does not need daily maintenance. The polished surfaces stay beautiful for a long time.
  • Durability: It is durable and gives the desired look or finish with a polish of choice. Satinwood is used to manufacture decorative pieces and furniture.

The average price of Satinwood in India is around Rs 1,250 to Rs 1,500 per cubic feet.

4) Sal wood (Shorea robusta)

Wood or Shorea robusta is primarily found in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh. The tensile strength and durability make it a popular choice for making musical instruments and flooring. It is primarily found in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh. The tensile strength and durability make it a popular choice for making musical instruments and flooring.

Advantages of Sal wood:-

  • Durable: It is the most durable type of timber making it a popular choice for constructing furniture, wooden beams, and wooden frames.
  • Immune to Decay: It is resistant to the attack of fungus, white ants and insects.
  • Strength: Its strength makes it an ideal choice for providing strength and support. Sal wood is used to make doors, piles, and wooden frames. It is also useful in making small pieces of furniture.

The average price of Salwood in India is around Rs 1,250 to Rs 1,500 per cubic feet.

5) Sissolt or Shisham’ or ‘Tali’ (Dalbergia Sisoo)

SissoIt (Dalbergia sissoo) is called ‘Shisham’ and also ‘Tali’ in some regions of the country. It is durable and can be easily seasoned. It takes up the rich polish. It is found in Bengal, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Orissa.

Advantages of Sisoo wood:-

  • Strength: Sisoo is strong and durable.
  • Good finish: Out of the different types of wood, Sisoo takes up polish very well, therefore, giving a good sheen to the furniture and flooring.
  • Good look: Furniture or flooring made of Sisoo look attractive, thus making it a valuable investment for your home.

It can be shaped well to make decorative pieces of furniture. It is used to make railway sleepers and sports goods as well.

6) Marandi or White Cedar (Melia Azederach)

Marandi Wood (Melia Azederach) or White Cedar timber, is resistant to decay and termites. It can be shaped to make wooden accessories. It is mostly imported from Malaysia and is lighter than other types of wood. It is resistant to decay and termites. It can be shaped to make wooden accessories. It is mostly imported from Malaysia and is lighter than other types of wood.

Advantages of Marandi wood:-

  • Decay resistant: It is impervious to termites, decay and insects.
  • Good texture: It is light, soft and uniform in texture.
  • Beauty: Among the different types of wood, Marandi requires less maintenance and its aesthetic appeal is high especially when it is

Marandi wood is used to create wooden accessories like shoe racks, chests, drawers, trunks, and other decorative items.

The average price of White Cedarwood in India is around Rs 900 to Rs 1,400 per cubic feet.

7) Mahogany (Swietenia Macrophylla)

Mahagony even stays durable underwater and takes up a deep color after polishing. It is found in Bengal, Assam, and Kerala.

Advantages of Mahogany:-

  • Glossy Finish: Its pores absorb paint so well that it gives an elegant glossy finish that makes it a perfect choice for making furniture.
  • Durability: It doesn’t decay underwater. Very good for homes especially wooden cabins situated near waterbodies such as lakes and rivers.
  • Finesse: It is the finest wood, therefore, can be sculpted easily.

Mahogany is used to make cabinets, furniture, and patterns in decorative pieces of art.

The average price of Mahogany wood in India is around Rs 850 to Rs 2,500 per cubic feet depending on the sub-variety.

8) Mulberry (Morus alba)

Mulberry wood or Morus alba, gives a neat finish and can be carved easily to make floors and ornate pieces of furniture and decoration. It gives a neat finish and can be carved easily to make floors and ornate pieces of furniture and decoration.

Advantages of Mulberry:-

  • Strength: It is tough and elastic.
  • Clean finish: It makes attractive pieces of furniture because of its aesthetic appeal. Its color range is broad in comparison to other types of wood, which can be used to give a desirable finish.
  • Can be easily carved: It can be easily worked with and makes ornate pieces of furniture and functional objects like drawers and cabinets.

Mulberry can be used to make small pieces of furniture, turned objects and fence posts.

9) Deodar (Cedrus deodara)

building material, Deodar (Cedrus deodara) is very sturdy, rot-resistant, close-grained and can take up the deep polish to give a good finish. It is found in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.

Advantages of Deodar:-

  • Durable: It is long-lasting and sturdy and fine wood.
  • Rot Resistant: Deodar is immune to decay by water and insects, giving it longer shelf life.
  • Absorbs High Polish: It absorbs color in varying degrees which makes it useful in making ornate objects and furniture.

In olden times, it was used to construct religious temples and landscaping. It is used to make railway carriages, railway sleepers, packing boxes and furniture.

The average price of Deodar wood in India is around Rs 550 to Rs 2500 per cubic feet

10) Jackwood (Artocarpus heterophyllu)

Jackwood is compact, finely grained and easy to work with. It is found in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra.

Advantages of Jackwood:-

  • Even Grained: It is even-grained which gives it a good finish.
  • Easy to work with: It can be easily carved and designed to create furniture and other articles.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The beauty of the wood makes it a popular choice for making musical instruments and aesthetically appealing objects.

Jackwood is used to make furniture, door panels, cabinets and musical instruments.

The average price of Jackwood in India is around Rs 1,200 to Rs 2900 per cubic feet.

*Disclaimer: The prices displayed shall vary according to regions and the quality of wood in the region.

Why choose Wooden Furniture?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by every new or old home buyer in our country. When you get more modern, sleek and stylish alternatives to wooden furniture, which are often cheaper too, why go for the wooden ones at all!

But history states otherwise, wooden furniture has always stood the test of time, and its regal finishing could not be authentically recreated by any of the current alternatives. Though there are many contenders, none of which can compete with the royal outlook and intricate craftsmanship of the wooden furniture. And the pride which an owner gets is beyond compare, because of our long line of traditional love for the wooden artefacts.

As mentioned before,

These are the different types of wood in India used for crafting furniture. As with the woods available in the market today, there also various synthetic alternatives are available nowadays to make furniture but Indian households still prefer solid wood furniture because of its durability and repairability. These advantages of wood make it a popular choice over man-made alternatives of wood. Since Indians prefer furniture and decorative objects with intricate carvings, wood is preferred and certain types of wood like teak are popular choices.