Planning to build your own house in Gurgaon? This is your manual for getting ready for fundamental archives and authentications for getting building development endorsement in Gurgaon. It would be ideal if you experience it cautiously and organize the records as needs are. It is significant for you to understand the documents needed to construct to build a structure on a property. Under the Government Housing Schemes, Unless all the documents are verified, no construction can take place.

The application for any construction plan is processed by HUDA which stands for Haryana Urban Development Authority, is a government administration company based out of HP INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONS, FAIRLAWNS, Panchkula Haryana. 

The HUDA housing scheme aims to  make properties increasingly moderate for all by including home being worked on parts under a bit of it’s activities. There are 12 distinct areas where the legislature is giving plots under this approach. 

In the event that your application is effectively passed, you just need to pay 25% of the absolute expense of the plot forthright to affirm the acquisition, This installment can be finished inside 30 days of distribution. Staying 75% can be paid inside 180 days of distribution.

Procedure to be followed for building plan approval

1. Application for erection or re-erection of building:

If you intend to build, rebuild, or make an alteration in any place in a building or demolish any building you shall give notice in writing to the Competent Authority, accompanied with following documents :

  • Ownership documents- lease deed/sale deed or possession
    letter in the name of the owner or permission to use the land and a site plan.
  • A building plan or plans along with an un-editable compact disc/CD or any other electronic medium and details of specifications of the work to be executed.
  • Fire safety design as required under National Building Code or under Haryana Fire Services Act, 2009, if applicable and heating, ventilation, air-conditioning service plan whenever required.
  • Certificate of conformity to regulation and structural safety for the relevant buildings.
  • Scrutiny fees (non-refundable) at the rate of ten rupees per square meter of the covered area achieved, shall be deposited in favor of Competent Authority through any prescribed payment mode.

Note : All the above mentioned documents to be submitted in electronic format on the online portal of Competent Authority. The Competent Authority shall convey objections or sanction through online portal.

2. Appoint an Architect and an Engineer

After completing the above formalities, you shall appoint an Architect/Engineer for drawing up of building plans and for the supervision of erection and re-erection of the building.

  • For the building up to 15meters height (G+3 floors) may be undertaken by the Architect or the Engineer. However, in case of buildings more than 15 meters height the supervision shall be undertaken by both Architect and the Engineer. In case of violation of rules, the Architect/Engineer shall intimate to the concerned authority.
  • The documents such as plans, structural drawings, specifications, application, and the certificates as required in the relevant forms and documents shall be digitally signed by you (applicant), the Architect and Engineer.
  • In case if your building application is returned, it may be re-submitted within 60 days from the date of such return without fresh scrutiny fees.

Procedures for submitting application through self-certification

Under self-certification you need to submit all the documents which are mentioned above (1 and 2) by giving 15 day notice to the Competent Authority for approval of building plans intimating the date of start of construction. The construction can be started after 15 days, in case any objection is not conveyed to you.

Also with the above documents, you need to submit a certificate of conformity to regulation and structural safety for the relevant buildings (depending upon the type and height). You can always authorize any other person to check the building plans and construction at any stage and violations.

If your construction work is commenced because of contravention to any building regulations, the Competent Authority or any other person authorized by you shall be competent to require the building to be altered or demolished, by a written notice delivered to you (owner). You will also get the notice specifying the period during which such alteration or demolition has to be completed.

Online receipt and approval

You are required to perform all the functions under this building code through an electronic form, the functions shall include all or any of the followings

  • Receipt or acknowledgment of applications and payments
  • Issue of approvals, orders or directions
  • Scrutiny, enquiry or correspondence for approval of building plans or grant of occupation certificates, etc.
  • Filing of documents
  • Issue of notices for recoveries
  • Maintenance of registers and records
  • Any other function that the Competent Authority may deem fit in the public interest

Preparation of building plans by Government Departments

In case you are planning for Government buildings conforming to the building code and shall issue certificates specifying the provisions of the building code should be followed in all respects. Then the plan shall be sent to the Competent Authority, for information and record before the commencement of erection or re-erection of the building.

Constitution of committees

  • Preparation of zoning plans
  • Approval of building plans
  • Composition of violation of building plans
  • Grant of Occupation Certificate and
  • Any other Committee with such powers and functions, as may deem proper

You need to submit the following documents to HUDA 

  • Title Deed : It is one of the most important documents  to be verified before buying a house that helps in signifying the actual ownership of it.
  • Copy of the plan : You need to submit a copy of the building plan to the HUDA. Number of copies differs from one agency to another. 
  • Proof of entitlement : You need to prove your ownership on the land on which you are planning to construct. For the proof you can submit a lease deed or sale deed. In the absence of  the lease deed, a no-objection certificate (NOC) from the competent authority can be submitted.
  • Specification of the proposed construction : You need to submit two copies of specification of the proposed construction in the prescribed form.
  • Supervision certificate : It is the certificate, signed by a registered engineer or architect, a supervisor and a plumber in a prescribed form.
  • Completion certificate : Under section 346 of the DMC Act to obtain a completion certificate when the construction is complete.
  • Encumbrance Certificate : It helps in ensuring that the property is free from any kind of dispute over its title and there is no loan.
  • Rain water harvesting certificate : It’s not mandatory for all, if the size of the plot goes beyond 100 square meters, you also have to present a rain water harvesting certificate.
  • Construction Clearance Certificate or Commencement Certificate : This certificate is required when you are buying any ongoing construction property from a builder.
  • Mulba certificate : It is also called a nuisance certificate in the prescribed form.
  • Occupancy and Possession Certificate : It is the certificate which is issued by local authorities and it can only be issued only after completion of the construction. This states that the building is fit to use.
  • No-dues certificate : You need to submit an NOC issued by the tax department.

Along with these there are some official paper which are:

  • Khata Certificate : The term Khata stands for account, it is required if you are transferring property from one person to another.
  • Power of Attorney : Through this certificate, a person appoints another person to act on their behalf.
  • Tax paid Receipts : Receipts of the tax paid by the owner of the property
  • Mother Deed : It is also known as the parent document of a real estate, it helps in knowing the origin of the property and it becomes essential in case of resale of the property.
  • Conversion Certificate : It is issued by the competent revenue authority on the request of the revenue authority to convert the land for non-agricultural purposes. 

It is significant for you to appropriately find out about the documents/certificates required ahead of time to get an endorsement from HUDA to construct a building on the property. Under the Government Housing Schemes, Unless all the documents are confirmed, no construction happens. Here’s the list of documents needed to be submitted to HUDA to apply for building plan endorsement.

Building Plan Approval Procedure

The validity of building plan application

All the building plan application submitted by following above procedures will not be considered as valid, unless made on the prescribed form and is accompanied with the requisite number of plans and documents, along with scrutiny fee and other charges.

Scrutinize and sanction of building plan

The Competent Authority shall constitute such committees for the purpose specified in Constitution of committees, for scrutiny of applications received as specified under application for erection or re-erection of building and for submission of recommendations for sanction/ refusal of such application. 

Validity of sanctioned plans

Every sanction for the erection or re-erection of any buildings is valid for 2 years in case of building height is less than 15 meters and for multi-storeyed buildings, the sanction will be valid for five years.

If a building is not completed within two years of the permission, the sanction will be deemed to have lapsed with respect to that portion of the building which has not been completed. Then again you need to submit a fresh application following the same procedure which is already mentioned above.

Re-validation of building plans

After sanction of a building plan, in case the construction could not be started within two years or it has been started but couldn’t be completed, you can apply for the revalidation of building plans before the sanction has lapsed simply by submitting revalidation fee @ Rs 10 per square meter for the proposed covered are requested for re-validation.

Deemed sanction

The Competent Authority will pass an order within a period of 6 days of submission of building plans, accompanied by all necessary documents, either sanctioning or rejecting it. The building plan will be deemed to be sanctioned if it is in conformity with building Code and in accordance with the permitted land use of the area and all leviable fee/ charges have been deposited by the applicant but no orders have been passed by the Competent Authority within the specified time.

Submission of revised building plans during the validity period of sanction : 

If during the construction of a building, any deviation from the sanctioned plan is intended to be made, approval of the Competent Authority for the same may be obtained before the change is made. The revised plan showing the deviations shall be submitted and the procedure laid down for the sanction of building plan as stated in an application for erection or re-erection of building and procedure or submitting an application through self-certification, shall be followed for all revised plans, along with the depositing balance scrutiny fee, if any.

Any notice and building approval is not necessary for compoundable alterations/ violations, which do not otherwise violate any provisions regarding general building requirements, structural stability, and fire safety requirements of this building Code.

Revocation of sanction

If the sanction granted can be revoked by the Competent Authority, if it is found that such sanction has been obtained by the owner by misrepresentation of material facts fraudulent document submitted along with the building plan application or otherwise or the construction is not being done in accordance with the sanction granted.

Maintenance of E-Register for sanction/ Registration of Building Plans

An online E-register will be having all the building applications received, permissions given, or deemed to have been given or refused or returned under this Code.

Damp Proof Course Certificate

You (owner) need to submit a certification from an Architect that the construction of building up to DPC level is as per sanction plan. It will be verified by the Competent Authority Within 15 days of receiving their certification.

Occupation Certificate

When you intend to occupy any building or part thereof shall apply for the occupation certificate in the respective form , accompanied by certificates in relevant form duly signed by the Architect and/ or the Engineer.

Revocation of Occupation Certificate

In case, after the issuance of occupation certificate, if found at any stage that the building is used for some other purpose against the permission or make any addition/ alteration in the building then, after affording personal hearing to the owner, the Competent Authority may pass orders for revocation of occupation permission and the same shall be restored only after removal of violations.

The substance of this blog is a wide outline of the documents required for the construction of a home in Gurgaon and have been given to you for the data reason as it were. Nothing in this blog ought to be viewed as legitimate exhortation. The data in this blog has been set up from sources accepted to be solid however Liveup homes doesn’t speak to it as exact and complete.